Health Services Electronic Medical Records and Access
Health Services uses an electronic medical record system called PyraMED. Students and alumni can access certain parts of their record, such as immunization records and lab results, through the Health Services Portal. You can log in using your Ȧ email credentials. Please reach out to the IT helpdesk for assistance with Okta 518-580-5900.
Requesting Medical Records to be Sent to an Outside Provider
To have your medical records sent to an external provider, please complete the Release of Information form, including the detailed contact information for the provider, and fax it to Health Services at 518-580-5556.
Requesting Additional Records via the Health Services Portal
If you would like additional records made available through the Health Services Portal, please call 518-580-5550 or email with your request and details.
For Alumni
According to New York State law, Health Services is required to maintain student medical records for 6 years after graduation. Records, including immunization records, may be available for longer through the electronic medical record system and the Health Services Portal.
For Students Who Attended Prior to 2016
Students who attended Ȧ before the initiation of the electronic medical record system (in 2016) have paper records. These records were retained for 6 years and then destroyed. As of 2023, Health Services no longer maintains paper medical records.
Legal Requirements
In accordance with New York State law, “medical records shall be retained in their original or legally reproduced form for a period of at least six years from the date of discharge” (10 N.Y. Comp Codes R. & Regs. 405.10).